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Get around Swansea

Nearest airport

The nearest international airport is Cardiff International Airport - ring 01446 711111 or visit Cardiff airport.

Swansea has its own airport, which is suitable for small aircraft - please ring 01792 204063 or visit Swansea airport.

Coach and bus information

Greyhound operates a frequent shuttle coach service from Cardiff to Swansea and Bristol airport. The service runs hourly off-peak and half-hourly at peak times. There are frequent National Express coaches to Swansea too, from all other principal towns in south and west Wales. The National Express also links with London and Heathrow and Gatwick airports.

For bus routes in and around Swansea, contact Traveline Cymru on 0871 200 22 33 or visit the Traveline Cymru website.

National Express Coaches - 08705 808080 or National Express.
Greyhound - Greyhound website

Accommodation in Swansea

If you are planning to visit the area then the Visit Swansea Bay website has all you need to make the most of your stay.